Artist Profile -

See You on the Other Side
There's A Place That I Know
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
One Day Last Summer
Top Meadow
Bonne Chance
Day by Day

See You on the Other Side

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Measurements: 100 x 120cm

Year: 2022

Price: £890 plus delivery

There's A Place That I Know

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Measurements: 50 x 55cm

Year: 2022

Price: £590 plus delivery

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Measurements: 55 x 50cm

Year: 2022

Price: £590 plus delivery


Medium: acrylic on canvas

Measurements: 75 x 90cm

Year: 2022

Price: £890 plus delivery

One Day Last Summer

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Measurements: 75 x 90cm

Year: 2022

Price: £890 plus delivery

Top Meadow

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Measurements: 95 x 126 cm Framed

Year: 2021

Price: £1600 Plus Delivery

Bonne Chance

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Measurements: 45 x 40 cm

Year: 2022

Price: £440 Plus Delivery

Day by Day

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Measurements: 75 x 90cm

Year: 2022

Price: £890 plus delivery


Medium: acrylic on canvas

Measurements: 75 x 90cm

Year: 2022

Price: £890 plus delivery


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Measurements: 120 x 150 cm

Year: 2022

Price: £2200 Plus Delivery

See You on the Other Side

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Measurements: 100 x 120cm

Year: 2022

Price: £890 plus delivery

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Artist Statement

See You on the Other Side
There's A Place That I Know
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
One Day Last Summer
Top Meadow
Bonne Chance
Day by Day
See You on the Other Side
There's A Place That I Know
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
One Day Last Summer
Top Meadow
Bonne Chance
Day by Day


Artist Statement